The bulk: buy in a boom, sell in a crash

Without knowledge transfer and education, everything remains the same: When I started a few years ago to look more deeply into the matter of investing, I immediately took my findings to the outside world. However, most of those around me smiled at my new ideas and dreams and sometimes even tried to dissuade me because the whole thing was a big risk – after all, many people had burned their fingers and gambled away their homes and farms in the past.

When the markets then developed further for a few cycles and finally reached the boom phase, more and more people suddenly told me joyfully that they were finally going to do everything the same way. They proudly told me about the stock and crypto investments they had made. Often I quickly noticed dangerous half-knowledge, because often a large amount was invested immediately – and without any diversification or even a fixed plan. But hand on heart: In boom phases, it is not particularly difficult to make profits or even suffer losses – especially not in cryptospace.

Every boom is eventually followed by a correction or even a recession. When the prices dropped back, exactly these people approached me again, only to tell me sourly that one had liquidated all of one’s investments again and, of course, at a considerable loss. “But I have always known it! Stocks are the devil’s stuff! I’ll never touch them again!” was the original comment.

Then the spiral begins again: I am laughed at, then everyone buys in at some point, only to suffer losses again during a correction. In the end, they even say: “You were just lucky!

If you keep your eye on the ball and invest regularly and, above all, steadily via a savings plan, you won’t have to worry about financing your retirement in the end. You can find tips and tricks on this in this blog or in numerous beginner books that we have already presented here.

Das einzige Buch, das Du über Finanzen lesen solltest: Der entspannte Weg zum Vermögen – Von den Machern des YouTube-Erfolgs »Finanzfluss« | Ratgeber für Geldanlage an der Börse mit ETF & Aktien*
  • Marke:
  • Das einzige Buch, das Du über Finanzen lesen solltest: Der entspannte Weg zum Vermögen – Von den Machern des YouTube-Erfolgs »Finanzfluss« | Ratgeber für Geldanlage an der Börse mit ETFAktien
  • Farbe: Silver
  • Kehl, Thomas (Author)

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Andreas Stegmüller

Andreas is the founder and operator of this blog. During his more than ten-year editorial career, he has written for several major media outlets on a wide variety of topics. The stock market has been his passion since 2016.

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