Finances 2024: What’s changing this year
A lot will change for employees, families and investors in 2024. We have summarized the most important changes.
with Futures Trading
A lot will change for employees, families and investors in 2024. We have summarized the most important changes.
Past prices can deter investors from making an investment because they have supposedly fallen or risen sharply – but they should not.
Lurid headlines in various media recently caused uncertainty among investors in the MSCI World.
If you had put 10,000 euros into an ETF, into gold or even into bitcoin ten years ago, you would have a handsome fortune today.
The EU will ban payment-for-order-flow (PFOF) from 2026, putting the neobroker business model at risk.
There are many reasons for simply using indicators. However, only putting all the pieces together solves the puzzle.
DivvyDiary helps to track the development of your own dividend payments and gives you exciting statistics along the way.
Whether by savings plan or as a one-off purchase: both entry methods have their advantages and disadvantages.We take a closer look at these.
An average return always includes major fluctuations in the markets that have to be endured. They are merely smoothed out.
In everyday life, we constantly consume products from large stock corporations in which we can participate. This makes spending money even more fun!