Book recommendations for your start

Anyone who deals with the topics of investment and finance cannot avoid reading a book or two. But don’t worry: the reading material doesn’t have to be dry as dust! Many of the books presented here tell great stories from which you can take a lot for yourself. Some of them even serve to motivate you to delve deeper into the subject matter, or to get started in the first place. I present here a number of classics that are worth reading, which I myself devoured at the start of my journey to long-term wealth accumulation and found to be good.

Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad Poor Dad

In his book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki* recounts his childhood and tells of his two fathers who could not have been more different. While his biological father brought home an average salary each month, his second father was exceedingly wealthy. He was actually the father of a school friend who cared a lot about him and his friend and was always trying to help them both get ahead in life. While his biological father had studied, his second father made a lot of money as an entrepreneur without studying.

In this book, Robert Kiyosaki explores the different attitudes and advice of both men and draws lessons from them to share with the reader. A lot of it is about how to simply save money so that you can eventually become financially free.

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Bodo Schäfer – The path to financial freedom

Bodo Schäfer is certainly known to many as a money coach. In his book “Der Weg zur finanziellen Freiheit*” (The Path to Financial Freedom), he describes his path to his first million, which he took in just seven years, and gives his readers some savings tips and insights along the way. According to the author, anyone who wants to become happy and wealthy as a human being needs above all optimism, self-confidence and a positive attitude towards money. The contents of this book are extremely motivating, but also explain many concepts such as compound interest or the difference between an investment and an expense. You learn a lot about the basics of wealth creation.

The Road to Financial Freedom: Earn Your First Million in Seven Years*
  • Bodo Schaefer (Author) - Kelly Rhodes (Narrator)

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Gerd Kommer – Sovereign Investing with Index Funds & ETFs

For many investors who want to invest their money as passively, automated and, above all, broadly diversified as possible, “Sovereign Investing with Index Funds & ETFs*” by Dr. Gerd Kommer is certainly the bible par excellence. The book is recommended for beginners and advanced learners alike, because it covers the most important aspects of passive investing and explains them in detail. Gerd Kommer not only deals with the most common investment mistakes, but also shows a sample portfolio, with the help of which you can immediately develop your own strategy.

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George Samuel Clason – The Richest Man in Babylon

In his book, The Richest Man in Babylon, George Samuel Clason* turns back time nearly 6,000 years to ancient Babylon to wrap the principles of financial success in interesting stories. The title tells of Babylonians who became wealthy through wise money management and virtually describes the cradle of the financial industry. It has become timeless. It describes how to handle money wisely and how to build a fortune in the long term. Among other things, George Samuel Clason gave the well-known advice to put aside at least 10% of one’s monthly salary.

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André Kostolany – The art of thinking about money

André Kostolany is certainly one of the most famous and successful speculators of modern times, who was active on the stock market for over 80 years and unfortunately passed away in 1999. No wonder that his book “The Art of Thinking About Money*” revolves around the stock market and shares. However, Kostolany also attached great importance to the subject of psychology. Among other things, he has the wisdom to simply buy shares and then take sleeping pills in order to be rich when you wake up. Because on the way there, psychology repeatedly sets traps that tempt you to sell in advance.

Die Kunst, über Geld nachzudenken*
  • Kostolany, André (Author)

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Christian W. Röhl – Stay cool and collect dividends

Christian W. Röhl is an advocate of the dividend strategy and has selected appropriate quality stocks under the label “Dividendenadel”. In his book “Stay cool and dividends collect*” he shows why the dividend share is not only the new, but also the better real estate. Those who own a concrete gold with regular rental income usually don’t care that the value of their property fluctuates as long as they don’t want to sell. This is similar with high-quality dividend stocks. Over the years, one diligently collects an often annually increasing dividend and does not care about the price of the share on the stock exchange. The book gives numerous practical examples.

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Anthony Robbins – The Robbins Power Principle

If you invest in stocks, you need a lot of staying power, but you will also be confronted with losses over time. To prepare for this, many stock investors come across the topic of personal development. One of the best-known coaches is Tony Robbins, who, on more than 500 pages of his book “The Robbins Power Principle*“, gives some exercises and thought-provoking impulses to lead a happy and fulfilled life. It does not only deal with the financial aspects. The book is pure motivation!

Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement*
  • Easy To Read
  • Compact for travelling
  • Robbins, Anthony (Author)

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Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friends

The book “How to Win Friends*” by Dale Carnegie goes in a similar direction. In four parts, each with several chapters, he also gives his readers tips on how to become a better person. He describes the basic rules of dealing with other people, shows how to achieve honest and sincere recognition, or to awaken lively desires from oneself and others. He describes how to convince other people and how to change oneself.

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Andreas Stegmüller

Andreas is the founder and operator of this blog. During his more than ten-year editorial career, he has written for several major media outlets on a wide variety of topics. The stock market has been his passion since 2016.

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