How I deal with the issue of retirement

Whether it’s the system, politics or society: I see my personal pension in old age in the black, even though I’m actually a very positive person. The system is suffering from demographic change and politicians, with the exception of a few members of parliament, are doing next to nothing. It is a shame that one of the most important pillars of our hard-won welfare state is so neglected. The steadily increasing poverty among the elderly in Germany is being knowingly exacerbated, and the problems are simply being carried over from one election period to the next, thus passing them on to the younger generation and thus to others.

In addition, I think that our society is spoiled by good times and still demands more and more. After all, it’s easier to put the onus on others than to take a good look at ourselves. Redistribution and expropriation are suddenly the great miracle cures for all our problems. Instead of putting the system on a more stable footing with the help of capital coverage or simply daring to try something that others have already done successfully, everything is left as it is. In other words, pensions are topped up with taxpayers’ money, which in turn was raised by others and is lacking in other areas such as education, security or public road construction.

It is preferable to ask those who are at the top of society to pay – without questioning what their contribution has actually been in comparison to their own performance. In truth, this is how everyone shirks their own responsibility.

My life, my responsibility!

I won’t be angry if later, when I retire, I only get a few hundred euros, which will be just enough for food, but not for rent, let alone a vacation – even though I may have paid into the pension fund myself all my life. I would never want to cancel the intergenerational contract; on the contrary, I am proud to be able to give back my contribution to the older generation as a thank-you. After all, it was my parents and grandparents who ensured that I was able to grow up in such a modern, progressive and, above all, peaceful region (at least in this country).

Taking retirement planning completely into my own hands

However, I do not automatically expect the same behavior from others or even from my descendants. Rather, I am already aware of the problems today and can prepare myself accordingly. In concrete terms, this means: I do not expect to receive even one cent from the state in my retirement age. Nor do I want any handouts for my life’s work.

I take my life into my own hands and provide for myself! I will fight democratically against any obstacles the state wants to put in my way – be it the financial transaction tax or just a wealth tax. I also fight against the machinations of the industry, such as banks and investment advisors, who, with high fees and commission payments, think mainly of themselves than of the welfare of the customers. My life, my responsibility!

I invest therefore for over five years an above average sum each month and this although I receive approximately only an average salary. It still works! Some of it goes into broadly diversified ETFs and ETCs as well as a pot of bonds. Another is put into individual stocks because I enjoy the subject and would like to retire early with it. Other contributions flow irregularly into P2P loans or the crypto market. Future trading is also a core topic.

On my personal investment strategy, I will still go into detail in time in this blog!


  • I do not expect to receive any pension payments
  • I provide for myself
  • I maintain the intergenerational contract
  • I am committed to a higher shareholder quota
  • my life, my responsibility!

Andreas Stegmüller

Andreas is the founder and operator of this blog. During his more than ten-year editorial career, he has written for several major media outlets on a wide variety of topics. The stock market has been his passion since 2016.

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