Five book recommendations for Bitcoin

At the start of this blog, we presented a series of books that everyone should have read when starting out on the stock market in order to be able to build up a small fortune for their own retirement provision in the long term in a relaxed manner. Some of these books are even available to listen to for free with a Spotify subscription. For reasons of diversification, anyone interested in investing will quickly come across cryptocurrencies and therefore Bitcoin – a topic that can be explored in many different ways and for which there is a lot of exciting literature. We will briefly present the best Bitcoin books for us here.

The Bitcoin Standard: The decentralized alternative to the central bank system

The Bitcoin Standard” by Saifedean Ammous is the essential introductory read for budding Bitcoiners. It sheds light on the history of money, the role of Bitcoin in the modern economy and shows that the most important cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize the traditional fiat money system and usher in a new era of hard money. In doing so, Ammous delves into the economic principles and explains why scarcity and decentralization can make Bitcoin a superior form of money. He also highlights the potential benefits of a Bitcoin standard economy.

The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking*
  • Der Bitcoin-Standard Die dezentrale Alternative zum Zentralbanken
  • Produkttyp ABIS BOOK
  • Sprache Englisch
  • Ammous, Saifedean (Author)

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-14 at 05:59 / Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API

The orange pill: Why Bitcoin is far more than just a new money

The Orange Pill” by Saifedean Ammous and Robert Breedlove delves deeper into this discussion and examines the impact of Bitcoin on society and individual freedom. The book looks at the fundamental characteristics of Bitcoin, such as decentralization, immutability or scarcity, but also discusses the social and political concepts, such as freedom, personal responsibility and individual sovereignty. The book encourages us to think beyond traditional financial systems.

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-14 at 08:16 / Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API

The Trojan horse of freedom: Bitcoin as an opportunity in the fight for self-determination and human rights

In his book “The Trojan Horse of Freedom”, Alex Gladstein examines the role of Bitcoin in the promotion of freedom and the protection of human rights. Among other things, Gladstein argues that digital currencies have a transformative power to counter authoritarian regimes and offer people in oppressed societies an alternative to traditional financial systems. Through a series of case studies and personal stories, it demonstrates how Bitcoin has helped people to circumvent censorship, protect assets and achieve economic freedom.

Das Trojanische Pferd der Freiheit: Bitcoin als Chance im Kampf um Selbstbestimmung und Menschenrechte*
  • Das Trojanische Pferd der Freiheit: Bitcoin als Chance im Kampf um Selbstbestimmung und Menschenrechte
  • Farbe: Yellow
  • Gladstein, Alex (Author)

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-14 at 05:51 / Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API

Layered Money: From Gold and the US Dollar to Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies

Layered Money: From Gold and US Dollars to Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies” by Nik Bhatia is an examination of the historical development of monetary systems and their transformation through technology. The book examines the layers of money, starting with gold as the primary store of value and ending with the current fiat money system. Bhatia analyzes how these came about and how they have changed over time. He also discusses the potential future of money, including central bank digital currencies and their impact on the financial system.

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-14 at 08:16 / Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API

2024 – How digital central bank money threatens our freedom

In his book “2024 – How Central Bank Digital Currency Threatens Our Freedom”, Joe Martin shows in an impressive but also frightening way how the introduction of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) could threaten individual freedom and allow totalitarian regimes to create a system with sophisticated and cruel efficiency that would allow them to take control of every aspect of daily life. Joe Martin warns that governments and powerful institutions could abuse our freedom by selling digitization as a modern-day shackle.

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-14 at 08:16 / Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API

Andreas Stegmüller

Andreas is the founder and operator of this blog. During his more than ten-year editorial career, he has written for several major media outlets on a wide variety of topics. The stock market has been his passion since 2016.

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