The value of liberalism: freedom, responsibility and progress

Liberalism is often the subject of intense debate, especially in Germany, even though the basic pillars of this political and philosophical movement are among the most influential of the last few centuries and have had a lasting impact on many modern democracies. This article sheds light on the principles that make liberalism special and valuable and why it should always occupy an important place.

The basic principles of liberalism

At its core, liberalism is based on the values of individual freedom, equality before the law and self-determination. Liberalism calls for an open society in which people are free to think, act and decide as long as they respect the rights of others or do not jeopardize their freedom. Liberal systems are based on democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights. These principles have laid the foundation for modern democracies and provide answers to many of the challenges we face today.

1. Focus on the freedom of the individual

The central element of liberalism is the freedom of the individual. This idea distinguishes it fundamentally from other ideologies that tend to focus on the collective, the state or a particular social class. Liberalism sees people as autonomous beings who have the right to make their own decisions and shape their lives according to their own ideas. This leads to a number of political and social consequences:

  • Freedom of expression: liberalism promotes a society in which everyone is free to express their opinions without fear of reprisals, provided they abide by the law.
  • Economic freedom: Liberalism emphasizes the importance of a free market in which people, companies and institutions can make their own economic decisions. A free market stands for competition, innovation and prosperity.

2. The rule of law as a guarantor of freedom

Another central aspect of liberalism is the importance of the rule of law. Laws must apply to everyone, and they must be clear and transparent. The state is not an arbitrary ruler, but a servant of the people who only exercises its power to protect the freedom and rights of its citizens.

Liberals therefore always reject totalitarian and authoritarian structures because they undermine individual freedom. They always stand in the middle and cannot be classified schematically as either left or right, as both sides presuppose a determining state system that merely represents different goals. Instead, liberals advocate a government that is bound by law and protects the freedom of citizens:

  • Separation of powers: to prevent abuse of power, authority in the state is distributed among different institutions. The executive, legislature and judiciary control each other and thus prevent any one institution from gaining too much power.
  • Civil rights: Liberalism protects basic civil rights such as the right to a fair trial, the right to property and the right to privacy. These rights safeguard individual freedom and prevent state arbitrariness.

3. Progress and innovation through openness

Another strength of liberalism lies in its openness to change and progress. While conservative ideologies often aim to preserve existing structures and traditions, liberalism sees progress as something positive. It recognizes that societies need to develop and change in order to overcome new challenges. The belief in the positive in people strengthens every liberal in their actions; by imposing few rules, genuine tolerance is practiced and equalization is prevented.

  • Social change: Liberalism is open to social change. Movements for gender equality, minority rights and social justice find fertile ground in liberal societies because liberalism recognizes the freedom and dignity of every individual.

4. Tolerance and pluralism

Another characteristic of liberalism is its tolerance of different lifestyles, opinions and beliefs. In a liberal society, there is no compulsion to follow a particular faith or ideology. Instead, diversity is seen as an enrichment.

  • Religious freedom: Liberalism promotes the separation of church and state and gives people the freedom to choose their religion or not to practice any religion.
  • Political pluralism: Liberalism recognizes that there are different legitimate political beliefs. This leads to a political system based on dialog, compromise and competition rather than coercion and ideology.
  • Cultural diversity: Liberal societies are generally open to cultural diversity and migration. This openness creates a dynamic, creative and diverse society that benefits from different ideas and perspectives.

5. Protection from state overreach

Liberals have always been skeptical of state power. Liberalism recognizes that the state plays an important role in ensuring law and order, but at the same time can pose a potential threat to the freedom of the individual. Liberalism therefore advocates a limitation of state power and a strong civil society that controls the state.

  • Democratic control: Liberalism relies on democratic elections and institutions to ensure that those in power represent the will of the people. Power is always temporary and tied to accountability.
  • Market economy and state regulation: While liberalism advocates a free market economy, it also recognizes the need for state intervention when necessary to ensure competition or correct social injustice. However, the state is always seen as a servant of the people and not as a ruler.

Current examples of the value of liberalism

1. Ukraine – the fight for democracy and self-determination

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has brought the importance of liberal values into sharp focus. Ukrainians are not only defending their country, but also the principles of freedom, democracy and sovereignty. Their stance shows how central these values are to peace and stability in Europe.

2. LGBTQ+ rights worldwide

Progress on equal rights for LGBTQ+ people is a clear example of the power of liberal ideas. In many countries – including Germany, Canada and Taiwan – legal barriers have been removed, human rights strengthened and social change initiated. This progress shows how liberalism can break down discrimination.

3. climate protection through individual and collective freedom

Liberalism and climate protection? It may seem contradictory at first glance, but liberal societies enable decisive progress through innovation and free markets. Whether it is the development of renewable energies, the promotion of start-ups in the environmental sector or international cooperation such as the Paris Agreement – all of this is based on the liberal idea of cooperation and progress. Instead of banning climate-damaging technologies and making others mandatory for everyone, the free market should provide the necessary innovative power. Only the majority knows what is good.

Conclusion: Liberalism is valuable

Liberalism is not perfect, but it offers the best conditions for a just and free world. By combining individual freedoms and social progress, it creates a foundation on which people can fulfill their potential. Current examples – from Ukraine to LGBTQ+ rights – show that its values are not only timeless, but also highly topical.

The defense of liberal principles is more important today than ever. Because only through them can we maintain an open, tolerant and sustainable society. We all have a responsibility to protect and further develop these values! The now sadly deceased FDP politician Guido Westerwelle also described this 13 years ago in a powerful speech, which is embedded in the YouTube video above.

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Andreas Stegmüller

Andreas is the founder and operator of this blog. During his more than ten-year editorial career, he has written for several major media outlets on a wide variety of topics. The stock market has been his passion since 2016.

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