15. September 2024

Once again: A break in the creation of new content

In order to feed the Google algorithm as quickly as possible and to have a good base of articles for the potential readership, we published two new articles per week in the initial phase of TradingForFuture.de. Since extensive and elaborately researched articles cannot easily be produced by a single person in this time frame, the rhythm for the publication of new articles was extended so that only one article was published per week. For almost three years, we published a new blog entry on our pages every Sunday at 09:00. But in the last almost eight weeks, things have become quieter – the reasons are complex.

Slump in sales

On the one hand, this blog is not run full-time, on the other hand, other projects are currently taking up a lot of time and the motivation to publish relevant content has also waned considerably recently. There is the fact that Google has decided to reduce the income of this blog to almost zero, even though the reach has not really deteriorated despite the break. TradingForFuture.de still reaches 15 to 20 readers a day.

Ads continue to be delivered to the same extent and even in the Google AdSense backend, no errors are displayed. It is simply that we are now earning significantly less per insertion. Until about two months ago, we were still able to generate revenue of around 10 euros per month, but now it’s not even one euro. The income generated via the Amazon affiliate program, on the other hand, is stagnating at around 5 euros.

Our international domain, which was launched a few months ago, is not included in Google’s AdSense program at all, which means that it cannot be monetized despite a wider readership. If the project can’t be run anywhere near economically, this saps motivation.

Discourse is becoming increasingly difficult

However, the loss of motivation is also due to the fact that many people are no longer happy to engage in discourse and therefore perhaps have a different opinion than usual. I was last politically active in an honorary position and campaigned for a democratic centrist party. The mood on the streets and at the information stands changed significantly during the state elections, especially during the campaign for the European elections. Many citizens completely blocked various issues or even became abusive and insulting. Nobody feels good when they have good intentions and want to improve the lives of themselves and others, but are often met with rejection.

A good example of this was recently seen on social media and in private. When the stock and crypto markets experienced a significant setback on the Monday before last, an unusually large number of acquaintances contacted me – sometimes with a simple question as to why the stock markets had suddenly fallen so sharply, but sometimes also with malice and laughter, including a skull and crossbones smiley. On Twitter, or now X, the equity annuity was once again maligned. Of course, only the short-term chart was deliberately shown in order to be able to selectively and manipulatively cite a supposedly good example argument. That’s not exactly the fine way…

If the others always know better anyway and do not engage in any counter-proposals, then it will never be possible to bring about constructive change. It’s the same with pensions and investments: if independent provision on the capital market or investing in Bitcoin remains frowned upon, no one will be able to change their position. I already have my own pension in the bag and I certainly won’t complain later that the state benefits – paid for by society – aren’t enough for me. My savings give me the opportunity to feel a little more secure and enjoy my own freedom. There is no real dependency on others. So you inevitably develop into a libertarian loner.

Main job and trading

In addition to my voluntary political work, I also have a full-time job. This has demanded a lot from me in recent weeks and months. There were numerous business trips on the agenda – including one to Computex 2024 in Taiwan and one to Prague. During these trips, it was simply not possible for me to write articles for this blog on the side. There were also some larger test articles that I had to cover at short notice. These included the presentation of the Ryzen 9000 processors and the mobile Ryzen AI chips.

But there was also a renewed focus on my own trading. Anyone who spends eight hours a day at their main job and often works for their side business in the evening has less and less time for trading during the day. The focus has clearly shifted back in favor of trading in recent weeks and months, as this is simply where there is the most potential. In no other job can income be scaled so well – and this is completely independent of the amount of time spent working.

It remains quiet

TradingForFuture.de is likely to remain fairly quiet in the coming weeks and months. Either until our own trading pays off in full and other construction sites can be completed, or until the revenue situation improves again. Especially in the winter months during the Christmas and year-end business, advertising revenue could pick up again.

However, this project will not fall asleep or even be completely discontinued. There is far too much passion behind it!

Andreas Stegmüller

Andreas is the founder and operator of this blog. During his more than ten-year editorial career, he has written for several major media outlets on a wide variety of topics. The stock market has been his passion since 2016.

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